Н.Ф. Фаращук, Ю.А. Рахманин
структурная основа
Москва – Смоленск
УДК 577.41 + 612.014.461
Фаращук Н.Ф., Рахманин Ю.А. Вода – структурная основа адаптации. – Москва – Смоленск, 2004. – 180 с.
В монографии изложены результаты анализа литературных данных о роли структурированной воды в живых системах и собственных экспериментальных исследований, посвященных изучению структуры воды в крови и некоторых других органах при воздействии на организм различных факторов окружающей среды. Изучена закономерность процессов гидратации в организме в динамике развития срочной и долговременной адаптации, оценивается роль структурированной воды в реализации этого универсального биологического механизма приспособления.
ISBN – 5-87349-114-3
© Н.Ф. Фаращук, Ю.А. Рахманин, 2004
N.F.Faraschuk J.A.Rakhmanin
Faraschuk N.F., Rakhmanin
J.A. Water as the structural basis of adaptation. – Moscow–Smolensk, 2004. – 180 рp.This anniversary volume provides a number of reviews and reports in 10 chapters of new investigations ideas and analyses, dealing with the topic of structured water in the living systems. We also present our personal experimentation results on the structured water content in blood and some other vital organs under environmental influence.
The body hydration process with the reference to immediate and long-term body adaptation process and the structured water significance during the universal biology mechanism of adaptation have also been assessed.
ISBN – 5-87349-114-3
© N.F. Faraschuk, J.A. Rakhmanin
Посвящается 60-летию создания Академии медицинских наук СССР – Российской Академии медицинских наук и 15-летию создания Российской Академии естественных наук.
The Anniversary Volume by N.F.Faraschuk and J.A.Rakhmanin, Devoted to the 60-th Anniversary of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences – Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the 15-th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Фаращук Николай Федорович Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ, проректор по научной работе, заведующий кафедрой общей химии Смоленской государственной медицинской академии, действительный член академии медико-технических наук. Является автором научного открытия, 12 изобретений и более 150 научных статей. Практически все научные публикации за последние 20 лет посвящены изучению воды в организме животных и человека в условиях воздействия факторов окружающей среды и при различных патологических состояниях. Разработал методы определения структурного состояния водных растворов и биологических жидкостей. |
Рахманин Юрий Анатольевич Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, академик РАМН, вице-президент РАЕН и международной славянской академии наук, образования, искусств и культуры, член многих российских и международных академий, директор ГУ НИИ экологии человека и гигиены окружающей среды им А.Н. Сысина РАМН. Автор более 600 научных работ, в том числе: Руководство ВОЗ “Guidelines on Health Aspects of Water Desalination”, книги “Вода – космическое явление”, “Жилье: комплексный взгляд”, “Отходы, окружающая среда, человек”, “Основы оценки риска для здоровья населения при воздействии химических веществ, загрязняющих окружающую среду”, “Вода. Санитарные правила, нормы и методы безопасного водопользования населения”, учебников для Медвузов: “Общая гигиена”, “Комунальна гiгiена” и др. Соавтор 7 научных открытий, 24 изобретений и патентов, в том числе зарегистрированных во Франции, США, Израиле в системах Европатента и РСТ. Президент Ассоциации “Вода-Медицина-Экология”, почетный доктор Европейского университета, Член редколлегии журналов “Гигиена и санитария”, “Экологический вестник России”, “Экология человека”, “Сибирь-Восток”, “Микроэлементы в медицине”, “Химия и технология воды”, “Альтернативная медицина” и др. разработал научные основы современных критериев оценки и нормирования качества питьевой воды, в том числе искусственно получаемой, многофункциональных технологий ее кондиционирования, ее влияния на здоровье населения, методологии оценки риска здоровья человека, связанной с загрязнением окружающей среды. |
ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ СОКРАЩЕНИЙ .........................................…… 7
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ………………………………………….…….. 8
ГЛАВА 1. Современные представления о структуре воды и
процессах гидратации в биологических системах …..…...…… 12
ГЛАВА 2. Методы изучения структуры воды………….…… 31
ГЛАВА 3. Биологическая роль процесса гидратации и
структурных фракций воды ……..………………………….… 49
ГЛАВА 4. Состояние процессов гидратации в крови животных при воздействии на них высокой температуры ....…………....……………………………………………………. 57
4.1. Содержание структурных фракций воды в крови в
динамике острого перегревания ……………………………....... 57
4.2. Состояние процессов гидратации в крови в условиях
тренировки к высокой температуре………………………........ 66
4.3.Содержание структурных фракций воды в крови при
гипертермии на фоне действия фармакопротекторов....... 72
ГЛАВА 5. Влияние сильного звукового воздействия на процессы гидратации в крови животных………………........ 77
ГЛАВА 6. Влияние физической нагрузки на процессы
гидратации в крови …………………………………………...... 83
6.1. Влияние предельной физической нагрузки на содержание структурных фракций воды в крови…………….…………........ 83
6.2. Влияние предельной физической нагрузки на содержание структурных фракций воды в крови на фоне действия
фармакологических средств ...………………………………… 86
ГЛАВА 7. Состояние процессов гидратации в крови
при травме головного мозга………………….…………….......... 90
ГЛАВА 8. Влияние различных видов излучения на
процессы гидратации ………………………………………..….… 98
8.1. Содержание структурных фракций воды в крови
животных при воздействии ионизирующего излучения…….. 98
8.2. Влияние низкоинтенсивного лазерного излучения на
структуру воды в жидких средах………………………........……105
ГЛАВА 9. Влияние токсических и терапевтических веществ на процессы гидратации в крови………………..............………..110
9.1. Содержание структурных фракций воды при
отравлении четыреххлористым углеродом…………..……...... 110
9.2. Содержание структурных фракций воды в крови
при острой алкогольной интоксикации………....…...…….......117
9.3. Влияние адаптогенов на содержание структурных фракций
воды в крови………………………………….............……… 120
ГЛАВА 10. Состояние процессов гидратации в мозге и
печени экспериментальных животных в экстремальных
условиях ….......................................................................…..….123
10.1. Содержание структурных фракций воды в мозге и
печени при острой гипертермии и адаптации к высокой
10.2. Содержание структурных фракций воды в мозге и печени
при тренировке к гипоксии…………………….....………….…...128
10.3. Содержание структурных фракций воды в мозге и печени
при гипотермии и тренировке холодом…………....……..… 130
10.4. Содержание структурных фракций воды в ткани печени
при развитии токсического гепатита ………………...……….... 135
ЛИТЕРАТУРА........................................................................... 153
INTRODUCTION......................................................................… 8
CHAPTER 1. A present day notion of the water structure and
the hydration process in biology systems ................................…... 12
CHAPTER 2. Methods of water structure investigation .......…. 31
CHAPTER 3. Biological role of a hydration and structured water
fractions ...................................................................................……..49
CHAPTER 4. Processes of a hydration in the animal blood in high temperature conditions .............................................……….............57
4.1. The contents of the structured water fractions in overheating dynamics......................................................................……….....…...57
4.2. Processes of a hydration in blood in condition of training
to high temperature ..................................….......................................66
4.3. Structured water fraction content in blood under hyperthermia in pharmacoprotectors...............................……......................................72
CHAPTER 5. Strong sound action on the hydration process in the animal blood.........................................................….................…......77
CHAPTER 6. Physical exercise influence on the blood hydration process.................................................................................……......83
6.1. Ultimate physical exercise influence on structured water
fractions content in blood …………………………………………..83
6.2. Ultimate physical exercise influence on structured water fractions content in blood under medication agents action................…...........86
CHAPTER 7. Blood hydration processes in brain trauma ...…........90
CHAPTER 8. Different radiation types influence on a hydration
process ..…..................................................................................... 98
8.1. Structured water fraction content in the animal blood
under ionizing radiation action ............…..........................................98
8.2. Low-intensity laser radiation influence on water structure in liquid media..................................................…………................................105
CHAPTER 9. Toxic and therapeutic agents influence on the blood hydration process……....................................…................................110
9.1. Structured water fractions content in carbon tetrachloride
poisoning ..........................................................................…........110
9.2. Blood structured water fraction content in acute alcohol
9.3. Adaptogene influence on the blood structured water fraction
content ...............................................................................................120
CHAPTER 10. The hydration processes in experimental animals brain and liver under the extreme conditions ..................………..............123
10.1. Structured water fraction content in the brain and liver under
acute hyperthermia and adaptation to high temperature ..…….........123
10.2. Structured water fraction content in the brain and liver under
adaptation training to hypoxia ...........................................................128
10.3. Structured water fraction content in the brain and liver under
the hypothermia and adaptation to low temperature.…..................130
10.4. Structured water fraction content in the liver in developing
toxic hepatitis ...................................................................................135
REFERENCE LIST ...................................................................... 153
В настоящее время накопилось большое количество экспериментальных фактов, свидетельствующих об особых свойствах воды в живых объектах. Установлено также, что состояние воды в тканях организма изменяется при различных физиологических и патологических процессах. Доказана справедливость утверждения, что “если вода является непременным условием активных жизненных проявлений, то и жизнь придает воде частные и парадоксальные свойства.”
Вода является объединяющим компонентом всех биологических жидкостей и мягких тканей, не только средой, в которой протекают биологические процессы, но и активным компонентом живой системы. При этом вода в живых системах находится в двух фазовых состояниях – свободная вода и связанная с биомакромолекулами тканей. В последние годы усиленно обсуждается вопрос о специфической роли различных типов молекул воды в биологических тканях, определяемых как “связанная”, или “гидратная”, вода и “несвязанная”, или “свободная”, вода.
Строгая ориентация молекул связанной воды на поверхности белковых молекул приводит к возникновению водной оболочки, по структуре напоминающей лед. Но не только макромолекула способствует упорядочиванию структуры воды, но и вода играет существенную роль в стабилизации структуры биополимеров.
Стабильность структуры гидратной оболочки белковых макромолекул признается необходимым условием для сохранения свойств и функций белка. Для проявления специфичности белков, наряду с характером и последовательностью составляющих их аминокислот, очень важным фактором является количество и структура связанной с ними воды. Эта фракция воды влияет на активность ферментов, структуру и функции биологических мембран, где она составляет 25-35% массы чистых мембранных структур.
Сдвиги в соотношении свободной и связанной воды могут отражать изменения функционального состояния растительных и животных организмов. Белок и вода образуют единую систему, которую нельзя разделить на компоненты без нарушения ее внутреннего содержания. Биологические функции белков и других макромолекул могут фактически заключаться в образовании и разрушении водной структуры. В конечном итоге степень гидратации биомакромолекул в значительной степени определяет их структуру и функциональную активность.
Уникальную роль воды в живых системах известный биохимик Сент-Дьердьи выразил фразой: “Вода не только мать, но и матрица жизни”. Замещение этой матрицы более плотными образованиями ведет, как правило, к угасанию физиологических процессов. Человек в течение жизни теряет воду, и одновременно снижается его биологический потенциал. В организме старого человека содержание воды составляет 50-60 %, у взрослого – 60-70 %, у новорожденного около 80 %, у 6–недельного эмбриона с практически полностью сформированной структурой скелета и внутренних органов – 97 %. И именно в молодом возрасте процессы адаптации протекают наиболее интенсивно.
В монографии изложены современные представления о процессах гидратации в живых системах, роли структурных фракций воды в жизнедеятельности живого организма, а также результаты многочисленных экспериментальных исследований, посвященных изучению структуры воды в крови и некоторых других органах при воздействии на организм различных факторов внешней среды. Установлена закономерность изменения степени гидратации биополимеров в крови и тканях животных в условиях развития срочной и долговременной адаптации.
Представленные в книге материалы показывают, что именно на сложных и многообразных образованиях структурированной воды, или, по крайней мере, с непосредственным их участием, разворачивается сложная картина процессов, происходящих в организме в результате его приспособления к неблагоприятным условиям.
A wide range of topics covering a great number of experimentation facts have been analyzed to prove special water characteristics in the living objects. We have also found that the water parameters in the body tissues may change under various physiologic and pathologic conditions. And we proved the statement that “if only water appears indispensable to all active vital processes then life in its turn gives water its individual and paradoxical properties”.
Water is an integrating portion of all biological liquids and soft tissues, not only a medium where biology processes develop, but also is an essential component of all living systems. Systemic water is characterized by a two-phase condition – free water and water, bound with the tissue bio-molecules. Specific role of different water molecule types in biological tissues determined as “bound” or “hydrated” water and “non-bounded” or “free” water is being currently disputed.
The strong orientation of the bound water molecules on the protein molecule surfaces results in the water “coat” formation resembling the ice in its structure.
But not only macromolecule contributes to the water structure arrangements, but water itself plays a great role in the bio-polymer structure stabilization.
The integrity of the hydrated coat of protein macromolecules is recognized to be crucial to preserve protein properties and functions. The protein specificity is ensured by the amino acid nature and succession and what is more important – by the quality and structure of bound water. This water fraction affects the enzyme action, the biology membrane structure and its functioning, and it makes from 25-35% of the membrane structure weight
Correlation shifts between the free and bound water can reflect changes in the plant and animal organism. Protein and water compose a unified system which cannot be separated into the components without damage to its composition. The biologic functions of proteins and other macromolecules actually involve composition and destruction of the water structures. Eventually the bio-macromolecules hydration degree determines to a certain extent their structure and functional activity.
Once the unique role of water in the living systems had been expressed by a prominent biochemist Szent-Dyerdyi in the phrase: “ Water is not only a mother, but a matrix of life”. And the change of this matrix for more solid formations may lead to termination of physiological activity. A human being loses water in the process of life and so his biology potential is reduced. The water content is 50-60% in the aged persons, for an adult it makes 60-70%, for the newborns – about 80% and for a 6-week embryo (with the formed skeleton and visceral structures) it comprises 97%.
This is the young age when the adaptation processes develop vigorously.
The given book provides up-to-date presentation of the living system hydration, water structure portions in the vital body activity and also proves the results of the numerous experimentation studies on the blood and some other organs water structures if influenced by various environmental factors. We also managed to establish the sequence of the bio-polymer hydration degree changes in both animal blood and tissue under immediate and long-term accomodation.
The findings presented in the volume strongly suggest that a great number of very complicated and variable compounds of structured water can influence the body vital functioning during its adaptation to unfavourable circumstances.
Expanded summery
In the book by professor N.F.Faraschuk and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences Y.A.Rakhmanin Water as Structural Basis of Adaptation, the process of adaptation of living beings to changes of the conditions of their existence is taken into consideration on the basis of the universal natural physicochemical process of hydration.
Conforming to the concept of general adaptation syndrome and the well known notion of the mechanisms of short and long-term adaptation development, the authors deepen the knowledge of these processes down to the level of chemical bonds between water molecules and macromolecules of organic tissues in the unity of their structure forming interactions.
It is known that the short adaptation develops immediately after the beginning of exposure to a harmful factor. Biochemical and physiological mechanisms, which already exist in a living organism are responsible for the short adaptation development. The long-term adaptation occurs in the result of continuous or repeated exposure of an animal organism to environmental factors. Actually, it develops on the basis of multiple occurrence of the short adaptation. As a result of gradual quantitative accumulation of various changes, an organism acquires a new quality - a non-adapted living being becomes an adapted one. This fact enables the individual to remain healthy or to survive in the conditions incompatible with life. The state of stable adaptation is achieved as soon as the system structural trace that provides efficiency of the functional system of adaptation has been formed.
Recent investigations of the mechanisms of the living being adaptation to the effects of environmental factors allowed to single out a number of constituents of this process, which are: regulatory, plastic, energetic, and non-specific components of adaptation. Higher nervous activity plays the dominant role in the regulatory processes. The main part in realization of the plastic components of adaptation belongs to the enhancement of nuclear acids and proteins synthesis. The increase of RNA synthesis is considered to be an urgent measure of sustaining of the adaptation process, while the enhancement of DNA synthesis is contemplated as a radical, lasting expedient.
To transform the short adaptation into the long-term one inside a developed functional system a certain series of events is required. This process should ensure fixation of the formed adaptation systems and augmentation of their power up to the level dictated by the environment. Latest studies have shown that this process appears to be activation of nuclear acids and proteins synthesis, which takes place in the cells responsible for adaptation of systems. This synthesis activation ensures in the cells formation of the system structural trace. Thus, it is generally acknowledged, that adaptation mechanisms provide efficient adjustment of an organism to the acting extraordinary stimulus at the expense of structural and functional changes in the organs and tissues involved in the systemic reaction. Nevertheless, up to now none of the researchers has assumed or proved that the formation of the system structural trace in tissues that takes place in the process of adaptation, is associated not only with nuclear acids, proteins, and other bio-polymers, but with qualitative and quantitative changes in the water structure, namely: in crystal hydrate coating of macromolecules and sub-cellular formations. Thus, the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of the adaptation process have not been so far investigated at the molecular level, where fundamental interaction of substance with water occurs in the primary protein/water system, that cannot be separated into components without bringing damage to its internal composition.
Besides, it is not possible to explain contradictory data concerning the contents of structurally arranged, (i.e. "bound") water in various pathological conditions and under effects of environmental factors without considering these processes in relation to the stages of general adaptation syndrome development, short and long-term adaptation.
On the basis of analysis of scientific data in literature and findings of the experiments carried out on animals, the authors of the book established that various in their nature environmental factors inducing fluctuations in the internal medium of an organism and changes of external behavior in animals, initiate changes of hydration processes in blood and tissues. These alterations are manifested in quantitative changes of the structural water fractions. The character of these changes depends on the stage of stressful reaction development and, accordingly, on the short adaptation of a living being to a single exposure to the external factor, or on the degree of involvement of the mechanisms of long-term adaptation, or on their exhaustion in case of de-adaptation, when continuous or multiple exposure to damaging factors takes place. Thus, the authors established the following natural phenomena: the rate of the bound water increases in the stage of resistance as the result of involvement of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of the short adaptation. If the exposure goes on and the stage of exhaustion occurs, when adaptive potentials have been expended, the rate of the bound water decreases.
When continuous or multiple exposure to an external factor takes place the rate of the bound water in the blood increases as consequence of formation of the long-term adaptation mechanisms. But if the exposure to unfavorable conditions exceeds the adaptive potential of the organism (the norm of adaptation) de-adaptation accompanied by the decrease of the rate of the bound water takes place.
The increase of the hydration rate of bio-polymers is a non-specific adjusting reaction of a living being toward changing conditions of its existence. The authors found out that various in its physical nature environmental factors cause approximately the same in character changes in the proportions of structural fractions of water in different species of animals. The structurally arranged water coating of polymers resultant from the physical chemical process of hydration plays defensive function and is a molecular level barrier on the way of negative effects of thermal, chemical and other external and endogenous factors.
Spatial and structural characteristics and functional activity of bio-polymers and sub-cellular formations are closely connected with the structure of their hydrate coatings. In the process of the short adaptation functional resources of the organism are stimulated. That causes specific physiological, hormonal and biochemical changes which in the long run induce a universal reaction of non-specific character - quantitative and structural hydrate coating alteration of macromolecules and sub-cellular formations. All these enhance their resistance to negative effects of damaging factors.
In the process of long-term adaptation the fixation of the formed adaptive mechanisms and augmentation of their power up to the level, dictated by the environment takes place. But the material basis formation of the long-termed adaptation is no doubt associated with changing of hydration processes that results in increasing of the rate of structurally arranged water bounded with biological substrates.
While accommodating to some factors the structural trace might be located in certain organs. For example, while adapting to increasing doses of poison nuclear acids and proteins synthesis in the liver is naturally enhanced. But these local phenomena are always manifested via blood and are combined with more or less expressed changes of hydration processes in the blood.
As a rule, during adaptation branched and complicated structural changes in the organs and tissues develop. These changes ensure a wide spectrum of crossed defensive effects. Blood, as integrating medium, participates in their development. That is why structural functional alterations in any dominating system are due to cause non-specific but adequate changes in blood, especially in its cellular elements. The high degree of crossed defensive effect of accommodating to stress makes us to conclude that "the phenomenon of adaptive stabilization of structures" (PASS), formulated by F.Z.Meerson, finds its objective reflection in the state of hydration processes taking place in the blood components. This fact has been proved experimentally on the basis of study of quantitative proportions of the structural fractions of water in the process of development of short and long-term adaptation. The revealed natural phenomenon of hydration degree changes occurring in bio-polymers of blood in living beings during their adaptation to external factors has been acknowledged as a scientific discovery by the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions.
As a result of analysis of experimental data the character of dynamic correlation between the fundamental physicochemical hydration process (universal for non-organic and organic substances) and the biological adaptation process (typical for all living beings) was established. Discovery of this correlation expands profoundly our understanding of the accommodative mechanisms of a living object under extreme conditions. The authors found out that exertion of physiological, biochemical, hormone and other specific mechanisms of an organism in the process of adaptation results in changes at the level of intermolecular interaction between water and a polymer molecule that leads in its turn to formation of a more stable hydrate coating.
Consequently, the bound water ratio in blood is an integrative feature of the organism informant of its adaptive mechanisms state. Besides, the book expands our knowledge of the structural basis of adaptation.
It should be acknowledged that accommodative stabilization of tissue structures involves not only quantitative alterations (particularly, accumulating of stress-proteins) but also spatial changes in most important bio-polymers, which correspond to their greatest degree of hydration. Formation of a more stable structurally arranged hydrate coating of bio-polymers and sub-cellular units is the manifestation of the universal non-specific adaptive mechanism at the level of donor-acceptor, dipole-dipole, ion-dipole and hydrogenous chemical bonds both between water molecules and between water and macromolecules. In the authors' opinion structurally arranged water, forming hydrate coating of bio-polymers and sub-cellular units, is the basis on which the whole multicomponent and multilevel system of adaptation mechanisms of a living being develops.
It is necessary to point out doubtless practical value of these elaborated theoretical theses. Hydration degree changes in the blood components during the process of adaptation and the rate of bound water in blood might give us information of:
- the stage of the short adaptation development,
- the severity of lesion inflicted to the organism during a single exposure to an extreme external factor,
- the degree of the long-term adaptation development, or de-adaptation resulting from either continuous exposure to unfavorable conditions or a malady.
Professor Faraschuk has developed objective quantitative methods of measuring the rate of bound water in blood and tissues. Clinical research conducted under his guidance showed that proportions of structural fractions of water in blood of a patient allow making prognosis concerning the course and outcome of a disease and are an objective criterion of the effectiveness of the applied treatment and the degree of the patient rehabilitation. The state of hydration processes in blood may be used as a basic parameter for assessment of adaptation mechanisms in humans both in the period of exacerbation and remission of an illness.
Н.Ф. Фаращук, Ю.А. Рахманин. Вода – структурная основа адаптации.
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Поступила в редакцию 15.06.2005.